I'm Currently in the works of helping a client create their branding for a counseling & consulting business. 
My client specifically asked for a logo embodying her business name, Sageful. She initially proposed the idea of a sage bundle as inspiration for the design. After thorough research and thoughtful deliberation, I decided to merge two distinct stages of the sage plant's preparation process for bundling: a cluster of sage leaves at the top and a bundled arrangement at the base. This choice was made to ensure clarity for potential clients who may not be familiar with sage bundles, thus avoiding any misinterpretations.
In keeping with the sage theme, she also desired a color scheme evoking earthy, serene, and growth-oriented sentiments. Hence, the primary colors comprise dark and light greens, symbolizing the lushness and vitality of nature. The secondary palette adds depth and balance with shades of pale yellow, brown, and tan, instilling the design with a sense of grounding and versatility.

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